Friday, March 20, 2009

I won't burn long

tears are cold.
I don't like sniffly noses that belong to me
or red-rimmed eyes
hate tension headaches
crying for no reason
self loathing
complacence of ignorance
lack of general intelligence
intolerance is ignorance no matter what way you spin it
don't like things happening when you slam your keyboard with your fists
I don't like self-absorbed people who think that everyone likes them
or people who have with an extremely large ego
even though we all have one- don't deny it

dislike self-centered people
dislike being surrounded by loud people when I just want to be alone
dislike being called girly
dislike the smell of cigarette smoke
dislike the wrong music at the wrong moment
dislike having to pull up the car seat four feet after my dad drives the car

dislike self loathing
dislike my basic lack of knowledge of music theory
dislike my lack of individuality-but you aren't individual either, we are a mass of people, teenagers
dislike the basic ignorant human
dislike the fact that I will only use 5 percent of my brain capacity no matter how hard I try to push the limit
dislike what my face looks like when I lay down
dislike awkward temptations or awkward situations

dislike self loathing.
dislike selfishness, selfish people, I am one.

dislike self loathing.

1 comment:

Cadence said...

I don't see anywhere that I can
follow your blog. ]:

This is Cadence, by the way.